For Sentiment Analysis
Finding out public’s opinion, condition or desire is a basic need for organizations to support decision making process. Several strategies were undertaken to achieve the goal, such as conduct offline survey, create social media polling and/or present media analysis. However, it has many obstacles in running the strategies, such as the length of data processing time, limited number of skilled human resources and limited knowledge on ways to integrate information that has separate platform and form.
CtrendMax For Sentiment Analysis is a learning-based analytics platform built with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to optimize process and speed in analyzing public’s opinion. This analytics platform has reliability in translating paragraphs and words narrative or qualitative content into a comprehensive analysis.
Data Integration
Sentiment Analysis
Report and Dashboard
Web Portal
- Integrate various forms of data sources
- Translate qualitative data into information that is intact and measurable
- Informative report and dashboard
- A web portal-formed platform
- User management
- Menu management
- Scheduled process that minimizes human involvemen