September 8, 2020
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- 12 tren strategis
- 3D Athlete-Tracking
- 8K ultra-high definition
- accurate data
- adaptasi teknologi
- advance analytics
- Advanced Anaytics
- advokasi pelanggan
- agile
- agile data
- Agricultural Supply Chain Management
- Agriculture Industry
- AI
- AI Engineering
- AI-powered insights
- algoritma
- aliansi
- analisa data
- analisa prediktif
- analisis data
- analyst
- analytic models
- analytics
- analytics initiative
- analyzed
- and images
- aplikasi
- aplikasi 2D
- Apple
- Applications leader and team
- arsitekstur data
- arsitektur
- artificial intelligence
- aseet
- aset data
- Asia pacific
- Asia Pacific (APJ) Partner
- asia pacific region
- Asia pasific
- Asia tenggara
- atlet
- augmented analytics
- automation
- autonomic systems
- Autonomous electric vehicles
- avatar
- awarded
- bandara Tokyo
- beradaptasi
- BeritaSatu
- bertransformasi
- Best Tableau Partner
- biaya operasional
- Big Data
- biometric
- bisnis digital
- bisnis sepatu
- bisnis tradisional
- blok
- branding VR
- budaya berbasis data
- budaya data
- budidaya perikanan
- business analytics
- business challenges
- business decisions
- business developments
- business goals
- business impact
- Business Intelligence
- Business intelligence tools
- business resilience
- business transformation
- business value
- certified data modelling
- certified data visualization
- Certified in data engineering
- certified International professional in data science
- Channel Asia
- Channel Asia Awards
- channel shift
- chatbot
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- cloud
- cloud computing
- cloud-native
- code
- competitive advantage
- composable applications
- computing
- consulting
- Consumer goods
- Consumers Goods
- Continuous intelligence
- Core Business transaction
- coronavirus
- covid-19
- Covid19
- ctrendmax
- ctrendvision
- ctrendvision for retail
- customer behaviour
- customer behaviour transforming
- Customer experience
- customer shifting
- customers
- CX
- cybersecuryt mesh
- cybertrend
- cybertrend data academy
- Cybertrend partnership
- cybertrend. Cybertrend data academy
- dan pertambangan
- dasca
- dasca certification
- data
- Data Academy
- Data agnostic platform
- data air
- data analitik
- data analysis
- data analyst
- data analytic
- data analytics
- data analytics course program
- Data analytics Indonesia
- Data and analytics leader and team
- data center
- data connection
- Data Driven
- data engineers
- data fabric
- data initiatives
- data integration
- Data management
- Data Mart
- data mineral pertanian
- data mining
- data processing
- data prosesses
- data reporting
- Data Science
- data science ecosystem
- data scientist
- data sources
- Data Staging
- data storage
- data strategy
- data tanah
- data technology
- data visualization
- Data Visualization Solution
- Data warehouse
- data warehouse management
- Data Warehouse-based Management Information System-Business Intelligence
- data warehousing
- data-driven company
- data-driven culture
- Data-driven decision making
- database
- decision intelligence
- decision-making process
- deep learning
- delegasi
- delivery
- Delivery Support Robot
- design thinking
- diesktraksi
- diferensiasi
- digital
- digital advertising
- digital native
- digital survival kit
- digital transformation
- distributive enterprise
- dompet digital
- dunia fisik
- DWH process flow
- e-commerce
- e-Palette
- ecommerce
- efficiency
- efisien
- Efisiensi Pusat Data
- ekologi lokal
- ekonomi digital
- Embedded Analytics Solution. the partner ecosystem
- emerging talent in data science
- Employee experience
- end-to-end service
- enterprise
- enterprise analytics
- Enterprise architecture leader and team
- Era internet
- Establish governance
- Establish operating framework
- ETL job
- ewallet
- exoskeleton
- expertise data
- Facebook Meta
- Facial Recognition Technology
- Facilitated networking
- finance
- Financial
- Financial Industry
- Financial Service Institution
- fleksibel
- FMCG Companies
- food and beverages industry
- Founder
- fungsionalitas
- Gartner
- Generative AI
- global creators
- Gold Partner
- Google BigQuery
- Google Cloud
- Google cloud platform
- graphs
- growth
- hama
- hardware-trusted execution
- health awareness
- High Tech
- High Tech Broadcast Services
- holistik
- Humanoid Robot
- hybrid
- hyperautomation
- ICT Award
- ilmu programming
- ilmu statistik
- ilmu tanaman dan teknologi
- implementer
- implikasi pasar
- Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- informasi molekul
- information technology
- Infrastructure and operations leader and team
- inisiatif strategis
- innovation
- innovation platform
- Innovation technology
- innovative thinkers
- inovasi
- inovasi teknologi
- inovatif
- insurance company
- integration framework
- international conference
- Internet of Behavior
- Internet of Things
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- investor
- IoB
- IoT device
- IT
- IT Consulting
- jasa
- kamera onboard
- keamanan siber
- keberlangsungan bisnis
- kecemasan konsumen
- kecerdasan analitik
- Kecerdasan buatan
- kemanan siber
- kendaraan otonom
- kepercayaan
- kepuasan
- keputusan organisasi
- kesehatan
- keterlibatan
- keuangan
- key business decisions
- key business priorities
- komputasi
- krisis
- layanan data analytics
- layanan publik
- layanan software
- likuiditas
- lingkungan operasi
- lingkungn cloud
- Location independence
- login
- logistics
- lokal pertanian
- loyalitas
- MaaS
- machince learning
- Machine learning
- management
- manufaktur
- marketing mix
- Maskot Olimpiade Tokyo 2020
- measuring instrument
- melawan penimbunan data
- Membangun kecerdasan berkelanjutan
- membangun tata kelola IT
- memerangi perusakan privasi
- menjaga likuiditas
- mereplikasi
- merespons
- merk baru
- Messenger
- Meta
- Meta tag : Accelerate digital culture
- metaverse
- metaverse native
- Microsoft
- milestones
- Miraitowa
- mitigate
- mitra strategis
- mobilitas sebagai layanan
- modal data dan data warehouse
- model
- model disruption
- Model operasi IT baru untuk digital
- modifikasi
- Nadia Alatas
- narasumber
- Natural language processing
- New Normal
- Nike
- No-code predictive analytics
- noncloud
- oil & gas
- Oliampiade Tokyo 2020
- Olympic Broadcasting Service
- omnichannel
- On-site workshop
- opening ceremony
- operasi IT
- operasi jarak jauh
- operasional
- Operasional Loses
- operator pusat data
- organisasi
- Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian Dunia
- otomatisasi
- Pandemi
- pandemic
- panel surya
- partner
- pasas
- pasas certification
- pelanggan
- pelatihan
- pemasaran
- Pemerintah Jepang
- pemodelan 3D
- pendidikan
- pengalaman total
- pengelolaan tanaman
- pengembangan sdm
- pengguna bisnis
- penghargaan Asia Tenggara
- penghargaan ICT
- pengolahan data
- pengoptimalan bisnis
- peningkatan privasi
- People and Inspiration
- People centricity
- perbankan
- perempuan innovator dalam ICT
- performance
- perkebunan
- Pertanian
- pertumbuhan dengan cepat
- perusahaan AI
- perusahaan di sektor teknologi
- pestisida
- petabyte
- platform
- platform digital
- plots
- populasi
- positive impact
- praktik analitik terbaik
- Predictive analytics for eCommerce
- Predictive analytics platform
- Privacy-Enhancing Computation
- procurement and vendor management leader and team
- profitability
- program tata kelola terkait data dan analitik
- programming
- project data warehouse
- PT Bank Mandiri
- pupuk
- pusat data
- raksasa teknologi
- Ralph Lauren
- real estate
- realitas virtual
- reducing operational costs
- Refine and progress
- Rekayasa AI
- reliable
- remote control
- Reports
- research
- research and development
- research Gartner
- research IT
- resilient
- Resilient delivery
- retail
- Retail & Non-Retail
- retail analytics
- revolusi industry 4.0
- risiko ekonomi
- risk mitigation
- robot
- Robot Telepresence
- Robot-robot Pintar
- robot-robot super canggih
- robotic process automation
- robotika mutakhir
- route
- ruang virtual
- rute digital
- sales and marketing
- sales canvassing
- Second Life
- secured data
- sektor bisnis
- sektor pertanian
- sektor publik
- self managing
- self service analytics
- self-driving car
- sense and respond
- silo data
- simulasi
- sistem AI
- sistem ilmiah
- skalabilitas
- slice and dice
- Smart Robots
- sneakers
- Society 5.0
- software
- software analytics
- software pendeteksi
- Solusi Analisis
- Solusi Analisis Data
- solusi cloud
- solusi data
- solusi data science dan AI
- Solution Architecture
- Someity
- Sourcing
- Southeast Asia
- sport apparel
- startup teknologi
- statista
- strategi bank mandiri
- strategi berrbasis data
- Strategi bisnis
- strategi konsumen
- strategi pandemi
- strategi SDM
- strategy
- sumber daya manusia
- supply chain
- supply chain transformation
- system scheduling
- systematic
- T-HR3
- T-TR1
- tableau
- Tableau awards
- tableau best partner
- Tableau Consulting
- Tableau Data Visualization
- tableau gold partner
- tableau licensing
- tableau partner
- tableau partner indonesia
- Tableau Software
- Tahun 2021
- Talend Data Integration
- tantangan bisnis
- tata kelola
- Technical professionals team
- Technology
- technology company
- technology company experts
- technology innovation
- Teknologi artificial intelligence
- teknologi data science
- teknologi digital
- teknologi modern
- teknologi mutakhir
- Teknologi pengenalan wajah
- Telecommunication Industry
- telekomunikasi
- terdistribusi
- The New Normal
- The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
- tiga dimensi
- tokoh inspirasi
- tokoh inspirasi Indonesia dalam ICT
- Tokyo
- Total Experience
- totalexperience
- Toyota
- training
- training data
- Training Data Science
- Training Data Science Indonesia
- Training Data Science Jakarta
- Training Tableau Indonesia
- Training Tableau Jakarta
- transformasi bisnis
- transformasi data
- transformasi digital
- transportasi
- transportation industry
- tren teknologi
- tren teknologi strategis
- trend sneakers
- trusted third parties
- tugu asuransi
- Tugu insurance
- TV Program
- ultra-high definition (4K)
- use case
- user computing
- User experience
- various data
- video 360
- virtual
- virtual reality
- virus corona
- vision and strategy
- visual analytics
- visualisasi data
- visualization platform
- visualizing dashboard
- volume total data
- VR
- warehouse
- Women in ICT Awards 2020
- Women in ICT Indonesia
- women’s excellence
- work from home