September 8, 2020
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- 12 tren strategis
- 3D Athlete-Tracking
- 8K ultra-high definition
- accurate data
- adaptasi teknologi
- advance analytics
- advokasi pelanggan
- agile
- agile data
- Agricultural Supply Chain Management
- Agriculture Industry
- AI
- AI Engineering
- AI-powered insights
- algoritma
- aliansi
- analisa data
- analisa prediktif
- analisis data
- analyst
- analytic models
- analytics
- analytics initiative
- analyzed
- and images
- aplikasi
- aplikasi 2D
- Apple
- Applications leader and team
- arsitekstur data
- arsitektur
- artificial intelligence
- aseet
- aset data
- Asia pacific
- Asia Pacific (APJ) Partner
- asia pacific region
- Asia pasific
- Asia tenggara
- atlet
- augmented analytics
- automation
- autonomic systems
- Autonomous electric vehicles
- avatar
- awarded
- bandara Tokyo
- beradaptasi
- BeritaSatu
- bertransformasi
- Best Tableau Partner
- biaya operasional
- Big Data
- biometric
- bisnis digital
- bisnis sepatu
- bisnis tradisional
- blok
- branding VR
- budaya berbasis data
- budaya data
- budidaya perikanan
- business analytics
- business challenges
- business decisions
- business developments
- business goals
- business impact
- Business Intelligence
- Business intelligence tools
- business resilience
- business transformation
- business value
- certified data modelling
- certified data visualization
- Certified in data engineering
- certified International professional in data science
- Channel Asia
- Channel Asia Awards
- channel shift
- chatbot
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- cloud
- cloud computing
- cloud-native
- code
- competitive advantage
- composable applications
- computing
- consulting
- Consumer goods
- Consumers Goods
- Continuous intelligence
- Core Business transaction
- coronavirus
- covid-19
- Covid19
- ctrendmax
- ctrendvision
- ctrendvision for retail
- customer behaviour
- customer behaviour transforming
- Customer experience
- customer shifting
- customers
- CX
- cybersecuryt mesh
- cybertrend
- cybertrend data academy
- Cybertrend partnership
- cybertrend. Cybertrend data academy
- dan pertambangan
- dasca
- dasca certification
- data
- Data Academy
- Data agnostic platform
- data air
- data analitik
- data analysis
- data analyst
- data analytic
- data analytics
- data analytics course program
- Data analytics Indonesia
- Data and analytics leader and team
- data center
- data connection
- Data Driven
- data engineers
- data fabric
- data initiatives
- data integration
- Data management
- Data Mart
- data mineral pertanian
- data mining
- data processing
- data prosesses
- data reporting
- Data Science
- data science ecosystem
- data scientist
- data sources
- Data Staging
- data storage
- data strategy
- data tanah
- data technology
- data visualization
- Data Visualization Solution
- Data warehouse
- data warehouse management
- Data Warehouse-based Management Information System-Business Intelligence
- data warehousing
- data-driven company
- data-driven culture
- Data-driven decision making
- database
- decision intelligence
- decision-making process
- deep learning
- delegasi
- delivery
- Delivery Support Robot
- design thinking
- diesktraksi
- diferensiasi
- digital
- digital advertising
- digital native
- digital survival kit
- digital transformation
- distributive enterprise
- dompet digital
- dunia fisik
- DWH process flow
- e-commerce
- e-Palette
- ecommerce
- efficiency
- efisien
- Efisiensi Pusat Data
- ekologi lokal
- ekonomi digital
- Embedded Analytics Solution. the partner ecosystem
- emerging talent in data science
- Employee experience
- end-to-end service
- enterprise
- enterprise analytics
- Enterprise architecture leader and team
- Era internet
- Establish governance
- Establish operating framework
- ETL job
- ewallet
- exoskeleton
- expertise data
- Facebook Meta
- Facial Recognition Technology
- Facilitated networking
- finance
- Financial
- Financial Service Institution
- fleksibel
- FMCG Companies
- food and beverages industry
- Founder
- fungsionalitas
- Gartner
- Generative AI
- global creators
- Gold Partner
- Google BigQuery
- Google Cloud
- Google cloud platform
- graphs
- growth
- hama
- hardware-trusted execution
- health awareness
- High Tech
- High Tech Broadcast Services
- holistik
- Humanoid Robot
- hybrid
- hyperautomation
- ICT Award
- ilmu programming
- ilmu statistik
- ilmu tanaman dan teknologi
- implementer
- implikasi pasar
- Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- informasi molekul
- information technology
- Infrastructure and operations leader and team
- inisiatif strategis
- innovation
- innovation platform
- Innovation technology
- innovative thinkers
- inovasi
- inovasi teknologi
- inovatif
- insurance company
- integration framework
- international conference
- Internet of Behavior
- Internet of Things
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- investor
- IoB
- IoT device
- IT
- IT Consulting
- jasa
- kamera onboard
- keamanan siber
- keberlangsungan bisnis
- kecemasan konsumen
- kecerdasan analitik
- Kecerdasan buatan
- kemanan siber
- kendaraan otonom
- kepercayaan
- kepuasan
- keputusan organisasi
- kesehatan
- keterlibatan
- keuangan
- key business decisions
- key business priorities
- komputasi
- krisis
- layanan data analytics
- layanan publik
- layanan software
- likuiditas
- lingkungan operasi
- lingkungn cloud
- Location independence
- login
- logistics
- lokal pertanian
- loyalitas
- MaaS
- machince learning
- Machine learning
- management
- manufaktur
- marketing mix
- Maskot Olimpiade Tokyo 2020
- measuring instrument
- melawan penimbunan data
- Membangun kecerdasan berkelanjutan
- membangun tata kelola IT
- memerangi perusakan privasi
- menjaga likuiditas
- mereplikasi
- merespons
- merk baru
- Messenger
- Meta
- Meta tag : Accelerate digital culture
- metaverse
- metaverse native
- Microsoft
- milestones
- Miraitowa
- mitigate
- mitra strategis
- mobilitas sebagai layanan
- modal data dan data warehouse
- model
- model disruption
- Model operasi IT baru untuk digital
- modifikasi
- Nadia Alatas
- narasumber
- Natural language processing
- New Normal
- Nike
- No-code predictive analytics
- noncloud
- oil & gas
- Oliampiade Tokyo 2020
- Olympic Broadcasting Service
- omnichannel
- On-site workshop
- opening ceremony
- operasi IT
- operasi jarak jauh
- operasional
- Operasional Loses
- operator pusat data
- organisasi
- Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian Dunia
- otomatisasi
- Pandemi
- pandemic
- panel surya
- partner
- pasas
- pasas certification
- pelanggan
- pelatihan
- pemasaran
- Pemerintah Jepang
- pemodelan 3D
- pendidikan
- pengalaman total
- pengelolaan tanaman
- pengembangan sdm
- pengguna bisnis
- penghargaan Asia Tenggara
- penghargaan ICT
- pengolahan data
- pengoptimalan bisnis
- peningkatan privasi
- People and Inspiration
- People centricity
- perbankan
- perempuan innovator dalam ICT
- performance
- perkebunan
- Pertanian
- pertumbuhan dengan cepat
- perusahaan AI
- perusahaan di sektor teknologi
- pestisida
- petabyte
- platform
- platform digital
- plots
- populasi
- positive impact
- praktik analitik terbaik
- Predictive analytics for eCommerce
- Predictive analytics platform
- Privacy-Enhancing Computation
- procurement and vendor management leader and team
- profitability
- program tata kelola terkait data dan analitik
- programming
- project data warehouse
- PT Bank Mandiri
- pupuk
- pusat data
- raksasa teknologi
- Ralph Lauren
- real estate
- realitas virtual
- reducing operational costs
- Refine and progress
- Rekayasa AI
- reliable
- remote control
- Reports
- research
- research and development
- research Gartner
- research IT
- resilient
- Resilient delivery
- retail
- Retail & Non-Retail
- retail analytics
- revolusi industry 4.0
- risiko ekonomi
- risk mitigation
- robot
- Robot Telepresence
- Robot-robot Pintar
- robot-robot super canggih
- robotic process automation
- robotika mutakhir
- route
- ruang virtual
- rute digital
- sales and marketing
- sales canvassing
- Second Life
- secured data
- sektor bisnis
- sektor pertanian
- sektor publik
- self managing
- self service analytics
- self-driving car
- sense and respond
- silo data
- simulasi
- sistem AI
- sistem ilmiah
- skalabilitas
- slice and dice
- Smart Robots
- sneakers
- Society 5.0
- software
- software analytics
- software pendeteksi
- Solusi Analisis
- Solusi Analisis Data
- solusi cloud
- solusi data
- solusi data science dan AI
- Solution Architecture
- Someity
- Sourcing
- Southeast Asia
- sport apparel
- startup teknologi
- statista
- strategi bank mandiri
- strategi berrbasis data
- Strategi bisnis
- strategi konsumen
- strategi pandemi
- strategi SDM
- strategy
- sumber daya manusia
- supply chain
- supply chain transformation
- system scheduling
- systematic
- T-HR3
- T-TR1
- tableau
- Tableau awards
- tableau best partner
- Tableau Consulting
- Tableau Data Visualization
- tableau gold partner
- tableau licensing
- tableau partner
- tableau partner indonesia
- Tableau Software
- Tahun 2021
- Talend Data Integration
- tantangan bisnis
- tata kelola
- Technical professionals team
- Technology
- technology company
- technology company experts
- technology innovation
- Teknologi artificial intelligence
- teknologi data science
- teknologi digital
- teknologi modern
- teknologi mutakhir
- Teknologi pengenalan wajah
- telekomunikasi
- terdistribusi
- The New Normal
- The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
- tiga dimensi
- tokoh inspirasi
- tokoh inspirasi Indonesia dalam ICT
- Tokyo
- Total Experience
- totalexperience
- Toyota
- training
- training data
- Training Data Science
- Training Data Science Indonesia
- Training Data Science Jakarta
- Training Tableau Indonesia
- Training Tableau Jakarta
- transformasi bisnis
- transformasi data
- transformasi digital
- transportasi
- transportation industry
- tren teknologi
- tren teknologi strategis
- trend sneakers
- trusted third parties
- tugu asuransi
- Tugu insurance
- TV Program
- ultra-high definition (4K)
- use case
- user computing
- User experience
- various data
- video 360
- virtual
- virtual reality
- virus corona
- vision and strategy
- visual analytics
- visualisasi data
- visualization platform
- visualizing dashboard
- volume total data
- VR
- warehouse
- Women in ICT Awards 2020
- Women in ICT Indonesia
- women’s excellence
- work from home
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
December 6, 2019
Advance Analytics Solution for Consumer Goods and Retail Sector Amidst global economic uncertainty, Indonesia is still able to maintain economic growth around 5%. The domestic consumption […]
November 11, 2019
Business Analytics & Big Data In Cloud Computing Cloud computing become more important nowadays, especially for public sector in the nation that consists of 17.000 islands. […]
October 11, 2019